Edit texts and replace their elements in your system. Work with a solution for advanced search of phrases, lines, and individual words for quick replacement, copying, and extraction. Explore the content stored in one or multiple files and folders to get the desired results.
TextCrawler is a text utility that searches text and replaces words and sentences on multiple text files.
The application accepts wildcard symbols as *.txt and supports multiple types for search when separated by ; (semicolon).In addition, advanced searches and replacements can be accomplish by the use of regular expressions.
User defines the base folder to begin the search, the text to find or a regular expression (library function), the replacement text to insert, etc. The application extracts all the coincidences for the regular expressions to another text box, that can be saved or/and copied. A direct use for this function is to extract email addresses from all the files in a folder.
User can 'mark' files on the located ones, and select 'In Marked Files Only', so next operation will take place only on those 'marked' files. result will show a detailed list of files which matched the search expression.
The application displays a list of coincidences in a selected file, showing the line number, and remarked in red.
Replacements are very dangerous actions. Normally it will be interesting to backup the files. This is offered at the Option window of the application.
Strings of characters describing wider set of string combinations, as an example b(a|i)g, natching the words 'bag' and 'big', are known as 'Regular Expressions', useful for searching several words at the same time. The Regular Expression Tester tool enebles the user to test these expressions before using them.
Results can be exported as .rtf or .txt formats.
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